8th February 2022

Still setting the Gold standard as a Twilio Build partner


Julian Hucker

Californian Gold

Updated on 8th February 2022

Achieving Twilio Gold Build Partner status for 2022 is more than just a badge. It's validation of the hard work by the team and the confidence of our partner Twilio. We've grown fast and aim to keep on growing as we expand our footprint.

Originally Posted on 7th March 2021

Our mission at Zing is to deliver on the promise that technology can enable extraordinary customer experience. And today we’ve made a significant step in that journey by achieving Twilio Gold Consulting Partner accreditation.

We received Bronze accreditation in February last year and Silver in July; so to get to Gold standard in such a short space of time is testament to the team’s hard work and the fantastic working relationship that we have built with our colleagues at Twilio.

We’re recently announced deal with the Norwegian Refugee Council and Bennetts Motorcycle Insurance but throughout Q1 we’ve started working with businesses across a vast range of sectors: from logistics to Aid, retail to finance. Strikingly, and perhaps as a result of the changes that have come from Covid, we’re also working with customers across the globe. Gold status is a tremendous endorsement of our experience and expertise working with the Twilio stack.

We placed a big bet on Twilio, by focusing our business 100% on the Twilio cloud communications platform. And there’s no doubt it’s paying off.


No-one could have predicted the pandemic and the effect it would have on organisations’ need to work and communicate to customers in a virtual environment, but the writing has been on the wall for a while. As Twilio’s research has highlighted, Covid just increased the speed of digital transformation enormously.

When I co-founded Esendex – an SMS-based communications business – we helped customers discover how to streamline processes through simple text messaging. As SMS was ubiquitous and reliable, it was the best channel for business-critical customer communications, including delivery confirmations and healthcare appointments.

But now we live in a different age – one dominated by our smartphones, where we have access to multiple ways of communicating and our demands for speed and accuracy of response are insatiable.

Despite this, organisations large and small still find fulfilling that demand challenging. It’s not that the technology doesn’t exist – Twilio and other SaaS companies, such as Salesforce, AWS and Oracle, are proof of that. But, in our view, there’s a gap in the market for helping organisations on the journey, by understanding their communications and business challenges and being a partner with them to quickly build a solution.

I’m delighted to add our Gold partner certification on the Zing virtual wall, but we also know that the job isn’t done yet. We are seeing new types of businesses who are being disrupted by the changes and need to respond to the opportunities, while there’s no shortage of disruptors who are shaking up the status quo. There’s a lot to get our teeth into in the year ahead!

If you'd like to understand more about Twilio's partner accreditation, how to find a Twilio partner or some guidance on how to assess your shortlist, it's worth downloading our new guide here.

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